Friday, March 5, 2010

Country and people, the fundamental conditions of social development, the origin of classes

Professor LEON BLOCH
Editorial Clarity. Buenos Aires
Art Magazine, Review and Letters
Leftist Thought Tribune Founded on February 20, 1922

There is hardly universal history in another process so interesting and significant as the development of the Roman world power. And this development is, for the ensuing historical knowledge of much greater value because it is made in the most essential part in full light of history. Even without considering the uncertain times of tradition, the fabulous stories about the founding of Rome, domination and fall of kings, and wanting to start with the facts and events in some way tested, we do not really miss a single link essence of this long evolution, although, following recent research, we must also consign to the world of legends an event long considered as certain. The world-historic role of Rome begins, fortunately, only after passing the boundary between myth and history.

Still in the second half of the fourth century (BC J. C), Rome had spread only slightly beyond the city limits - state. The downtown is the soul of the state, and the valley is the source of nutrition for the citizens. Even in this era the concepts of citizen and farmer matched perfectly. Although there were already several branches of artisans, not the case for industry to speak of, unless you want to splurge big words for small things. Likewise, few contacts with the outside, not even filling nor trade, nor the war a central role. The old traditions are, of course, replete with feats of arms that have occurred in ancient times, but it is the case of being dazzled by the big words. It is, in fact even more important, inevitable border disputes, which were then enlarged by family tradition to assume an inappropriate significance. If you consider how close extension lived near each other, the tribes fighting each other, and what few men could, given the minimal degree of culture, then, to find therein their sustenance, then you will find the true As for the appreciation of those stories. Rome was, did the mid-fourth century, a city like many others of that time in Italy, not to exceed the average of the same or power, or in culture, by contrast, the rich Etruscan cities in the north and the Greek in the south of the peninsula considerably left behind in the shadows, to Rome.

But even on this modest insulation strength was increasing and consolidating more and more, and then in the second half of the fourth century begins to stir among the peasantry Roman expansion a necessity that requires strong and tenacious satisfaction. In the beginning, the progress is slow, but much safer. Constancy in progress, carefully to ensure success, but above all tenacity to retain the conquered: these are the characteristics of the great evolutionary process that resulted in the Roman world power. However, and this may seem contradictory that the Romans reached the empire of the world against their will. There was absolutely no preconceived plan to guide the imperialist policy, but only need or what is at bottom the same, the greed that each conquest was renewed. The Romans in the beginning of the third century d. J. had triumphed over the Samnites and Pyrrhus could not, surely, not even dream of domination over Asia and Africa, to this bold conception could hardly reach the victors of the Second Punic War. Only after the fall of Carthage and Corinth, which occurred in the same year (146), comes the belief that the world belongs, by right (de jure), the Roman people, and since that time only went with all energy toward the ultimate goal. And he proceeds with giant steps! After just over a century, Rome is not only the first power of the old civilized world, but only from the Atlantic to the Lower Euphrates.

In the small rural commune Latin domination of the world! It is easily understandable that such development could not be outside without corresponding events and profound economic and social conditions in the interior. What wealth could have been used in Africa and Asia with the Roman peasant who was working hard to wrest from the earth a living? Thus arises involuntarily this question: who favored the successes of the Roman imperial policy, or in whose interests this policy was undertaken in general? In other words: Who did this policy? And politics is always a real background in ancient times were even less willing today to take their bones to the market by ghosts or ideas, the question does not mean more than this: Who was the main tenant for life or, to use a current expression, the main shareholder of state-owned? Who had the power to use, to their benefit, of others?

Do not imagine such conditions very different from today then. The ancient Romans were the nature of the other: each is concerned above all about himself, eager to make his property including the largest possible part of the community assets, and accordingly, each adapted his participation in political life. The slope did not change in anything that will do everything possible to hide or conceal the real aims and intentions with beautiful phrasing, full of patriotism, selflessness, ethics or religion. The inside story of Rome is less materialistic than the outside, she shows us the various social classes locked in a continuous struggle for "a seat at the banquet of life", as they say today with an expression less beautiful, but more appropriate. This struggle, in its various phases and forms, is the most interesting aspect of Roman history especially for us who are as bewildered by the social struggles of today.

One can easily understand that the social problem in Rome was to take very different forms depending on the state of evolution of the Roman power, which in the beginning was the special structure characteristic of a rural community, farmers made up nearly equal economically. If special circumstances - such as the excess of births over deaths, the hardships created by the war, crop failure, etc.. -, Turnovers occurred in alarming proportions, the remedy could be achieved by simple measures naturally into a world empire, in which a proletariat innumerable demands of a minority rich satisfaction of their rights. From this point of view, therefore, we analyze the history of the Roman Republic: namely, to outline the evolution of the social problem in this environment and in this period. The struggles between castes,
who fought in the first centuries of the Republic, are in fact only social struggles, being at this stage the social parties separated from each other by legal limits of caste. The social struggles of our time also has its prehistory in the contests against the privileges of caste, which, although from the legal point of view have already collapsed a century ago, they still have a good portion of its vitality.

Should be given, above all, a glance at the main foundations of a state and economic development means the country in which it has developed and the people that it was a factor. It is often said-and it must be admitted bluntly, the accuracy of that statement, that the course of Italian history is marked by its geographical position, which people trace their direct line of the best policy they must follow. Compared to Italy with the nearby eastern peninsula, Greece, either immediately apparent and involuntarily these two characteristics: italic and fractionation unit Hellenic. Faced with the rich setting of Greece, with its numerous but short chains of mountains, among which immediately warn the fertile valleys and natural centers of culture, compared to the many bays with their ports very well protected, which, however, push towards a dangerous path expansionist maritime policy; front, finally, to an insular world enlarges and prolongs. in two directions to Greece, Italy, by contrast, gives the impression of a closed unit.

Unity is the country's geographical configuration, cross-almost like a central axis, by the Apennines, in chains parallel. In the east the mountains gets to play, almost all points, the Adriatic Sea, leaving only the region of Apulia, on the flat configuration (board of Puglia), suitable for cultural evolution. But its eccentric position is an obstacle, so insurmountable, for political and economic expansion throughout the peninsula. The west is squandering his exuberant energy to achieve partial success, to go later to complete collapse by the lack of a vast and powerful national state, the Romans had not even dared to extend his arms basin nearby islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea before they feel entirely secure in their peninsula. Only national unity can save Italy from foreign domination: history shows that no less modern than the old.

The fact that he was chosen the Roman agricultural community to this process of unification, is due to reasons varying nature. In accordance with considerations about geographical location, it is clear that the predominant power could not develop but one of the western plains: in Lazio or Campania. The mountain people, mainly devoted to grazing, are the least suited for a momentous task.

Only in conjunction with the cultivation of the fields can evolve collective well-being, which is the indispensable basis for the development of a great power politics. Yes Campania, further south, most extensive, most fertile and most gifted natural port of Latium, had to yield to Rome, this is explained only for historical reasons. The Campania was predominantly a Greek colony and its costs were entirely in Greek hands. But the Greeks never thought they embark on a policy italics, as they had never supported a political unit with the "barbarians" Italic. His gaze turned to the motherland and the other Greek colonies, scattered near and distant seas.

Moreover, the great task of unifying Italy are not reconciled with the Hellenic spirit. This could get excited by a high and great purpose, seek to achieve with the use of all their energy and supporting any sacrifice, but abandoned any attempt to get it to fail the first blow or assault. The slow and stubborn that Rome used to achieve their purposes, was irreconcilable with the Greek temperament, the political situation is more favorable. Here the Apennines leave two regions suitable for cultivation: Latium, or the plain crossed by the Tiber, and Campania, crossed by the Volturno, whose most powerful city was Capua, provincial capital now almost negligible. At that time the Lazio and Campania were rivals, and the point that even two centuries later, when the victory of Rome was already a historical fact, had not forgotten the fear of bell metropolis. Cicero advised not to take any action aimed at improving the situation of Capua, to avoid that one day Rome would yield its supremacy to the rival city, more favored by nature.

Also the west coast of the Apennine peninsula far behind against Greece's maritime settings. In fact, instead of well-protected bays and harbors of the coasts Hellenic, part of Italy bathed by the Tyrrhenian presents an almost uniform, with few and bad ports. In such a situation arise two disadvantages, very clear: the coast and offers a starting point for overseas policy, nor ensures sufficient protection against enemy attacks or invasions. For these reasons, Rome could not think of a policy of conquest outside of Italy, but after ensuring the sanctity of the Lazio through the unification of Italy under his direction. The wily Romans knew perfectly what they did to try to overcome the Italian peoples with a special kindness for those times. In the Italian peoples, even those from completely different race, had to treat them well, so that in time of foreign invasions seen in Rome's security for its own security interests: indeed, a greater harm to them than to the metropolis in the event of a defeat. And this despite having always been a disguised federal link submission to the city of the Tiber. The events gave every reason to that policy. While the Phoenicians and the Greeks crossed the seas in search of colonies.

Greece lacked a consistent course of action, could not contain himself wisely in time and neglect the small details. Furthermore, the Greek colonies were deeply divided by mutual jealousies and rivalries, and all suffered more or less, pruritos grandeur, while being so exhausted and consumed in struggles unequal and sterile, Rome, with its slow, quiet way, was gaining more ground every day.

It would be wrong to think that Rome was the only Latin plain pretender to the historical role to unify and lead Italy. In the Lazio had several other rural communities, which from earlier times enjoyed, next to Rome, the same rights and importance. There is more, ancient necropolis show that in an earlier period the leading role in the region belonged to a town in the Alban Hills, Alba Longa. But Rome had conditions of existence and development are more favorable than its rivals, which made possible a broader and deeper implementation of their energies.

About 25 kilometers from the sea and in the immediate vicinity of the river Tber lies a crown of hills, used, the pair of many others in the plain, by the peasants to build on them from their homes, while the fields stretched around the small stage. Such communities, one near the other, could not live and prosper for long without maintaining mutual relations. Friendly or hostile contacts must be the logical and inevitable consequence of this situation, arriving at last, after much friction and bad experiences, 3 recognized that the win-win solution could not be more than the union of all the villages in a single community . It was from this union came a state where powerful than other Latino communities, against which one also enjoyed more favorable living conditions, such as the immediate vicinity of the largest river in the countryside America. Absence from Rome to] sea, along the Tiber, and other living quarters was natural that the new city - state extended its power and influence to the seacoast. In this way, Rome became the commercial emporium of the peoples of the Apennines with the outside world. The foundation of a sea level, the colony of Ostia, already belongs to the early days of Rome, attributing the fourth tradition of legendary kings, Anco Marcio. Although we must not exaggerate the commercial importance of Rome is an undisputed fact that its geographical position assured him great advantage over other Latino community. Nor populations located in the seashore could be a dangerous factor of competition, lack the commercial artery of the river and be exposed to frequent invasions and depredations of pirates.

Another circumstance, apparently trivial, has been regarded as an important factor in the superiority of Rome. Along the coast of Ostia spread the salt, whose operation was a source of profit almost free. While other Latino communities, especially those of the mountains, major economies should do in order to acquire the metal objects, tillage tools and the necessary weapons, all of which was provided mainly by the Etruscans, specialized in mining, Rome was able to bring to market an item that could be sold at much higher price a. its production cost. This was really a very considerable element of superiority. The inhabitants of the nearby Vejio watched with envy the salt Roman, and attempted to get from their owners in violent clashes, but sterile. How intense must have been trade in this mineral, which indicates the name the Romans gave to the road leading from Rome to the country of the Sabines and Picente toward the northeast, one of the oldest in Italy and still preserves its old name of "Via Salaria (Salt Road).

Small causes often produce great results, especially if, as was the case of Rome, they are exploited consistently, eliminating the possibility that the preponderance, once achieved, can be disputed by other neighboring communities. The potential difference that separated the city of the Tiber from rivals America, was to be widening, to which it finally became the most powerful, making, of course not without strife and bloodshed, to be recognized by all communities as a focus and guide in the region. One after another was crushed by a powerful rival, and the nearest convenient considerable reputation to lose not only their political independence, but also economic, merging completely with Rome. It still retain the names of many castles that once stood in the Roman countryside, but that disappeared even before the entry into the historical period. According to Pliny the Elder, writer of the first century AD, the number of communes have disappeared without a trace would amount to fifty-three.

That, alongside those natural and economic conditions, have influenced the evolution of Rome also personal, ethnographic, ie the inhabitants of the Roman Castles would have been really kind select men, far superior in value to other Latinos and Italic, it has often been an article of faith for the Romans, but hardly a provable fact or proven. However, it can be said quite rightly that, among all peoples established in Italy, you were destined to Italic dominion over the whole peninsula. And this for the reasons already stated and which we will expose. If the geographical structure of Italy introduced unitary aspect, yet it has the same character population. Under the name "Italic" do not understand the original population of the peninsula. "Italics" is the conventional name of a branch from the trunk Indo - European, in very remote period, but did not specify exactly, coming from the north, crossed the Alps and settled in the Po Valley. From here they were evicted in an age too imprecise by the Etruscans, and must, therefore, take refuge in the central and southern peninsula. The population here was found the Italians very probably also a branch from the trunk Indo - European, and precisely Messapi yapigios and belonging to the same race that had inhabited the Balkan peninsula in the pre-Hellenic era and whose descendants are today's Albanians. In historic times we found the remains of these peoples, yapigios - Messapi, on the southern tip of Puglia, where mostly welcomed the higher culture of the Greek colonies, while in other parts of the country were disappearing rather by assimilation than by removal or expulsion. The immigration of yapigios - Messapi is completely enveloped in darkness, but it seems that reached Italy by sea through the Strait of Otranto, as a result of the Greek penetration in the Balkan Peninsula. The population found in Italy by yapigios - Messapi, and evicted them, belonged, as it is common to Iígures, race non-Indo - European and perhaps the most backward among the peoples of the Apennine peninsula, and perhaps of Europe . The Iígures living, even in times of Augustus, in a semi-wild in the Maritime Alps, providing a constant threat to their civilized neighbors.

Obviously that could not be nor yapígios, devoid of independent culture, nor Iígures, incapable of any development, known as a world-historical mission. But neither the Etruscans, who penetrated into Italy from the northeast, had long exercised a prominent role in the western Mediterranean, were in a position to assume the leadership role on the peninsula. They were, indeed, far superior in culture to yapigíos and Liguria, but too shallow to keep up in that such a task. The numerous monuments of culture clearly show that the Etruscans had the best intention to do something attractive as foreign models, especially Greeks, but never fail to penetrate the spirit of imported culture, being so stuck on the way, ending with crystallize in the most vulgar materialism. 'This is particularly evident by the deformation of Greek art the Etruscans were, without even realizing the object represented, with his hands imitating the original non-working, disfigured beyond recognition foolishly. Add that, most likely toward the end of the seventh century (BC) the political brilliance of the Etruscans had a premature collapse. The invasion of the Celts or Gauls in the Po Valley halved the Etruscan mass compact: one hand, challenges, was pushed violently to the Alps, while the other took possession of the northern Apennines. As a result of strictly aristocratic system of government, the ruling caste was indulging in a life of lust increasingly rotten. "Fat and satisfied", the Romans said, referring to the Etruscans, although in early times had to shake them off enough: sentence that fits perfectly into the rough and fat figures of Etruscan sepulchral monuments.

None of these people could therefore be measured by the Italians in terms of qualities and natural clothing. And though the Gallic tribes, who occupied since the end of the seventh century the Po Valley, it might meet in natural gifts similar to those of the Italians, their cultural status was not yet as developed as to enable them to take the lead of all peoples of the peninsula.

The Italians inhabited the Po Valley from ancient times. The purple, very numerous, discovered in this region do not belong to any of the villages that were established before or after in Italy. Built on solid ground or water, these homes are very similar to the Swiss, also built on poles or stakes. The waste piled-around these buildings, provide eloquent testimony to the cultural level of the Italians. If it is true that "man is what" come ", we have reasons to put that among civilized people. The bulk of those remains constitute waste or kitchen waste, which is used to shoot past the edge of the housing. In this waste shows how the primitive means of food, hunting and fishing, was among the Italians already outdated. On more than one hundred villages in a single timber was found fishbone, which may have come to these sites by pure chance. But even when given the abundance of fish in several rivers in the region, scarcity of remains that you want to consider it as pure coincidence can be observed, moreover, that in general the food offered by nature occupied a place very minor compared to that had developed with the progress of culture. The remains of wild boar and deer almost disappear against the rational livestock products. The beef and pork due, to judge by the ruins, consumed in large quantities , while very few bones of sheep.

Beside farming practiced intensely wine growing areas, as evidenced by the fruit that requires further technical development: the wheat. Then the Italians have not baked bread but crushed grains reduced to a kind of slurry.

He also cultivated the vine, but not having kept any other vessels, presumably the art of pressing the grapes was still unknown and the grains are consumed as fruit only. Also found in larger quantities, apples, plums, cherries, walnuts and pistachios, but of such poor quality that you can almost rule out that there had been a fruit growing, being, however, very probable that these fruits were of wild origin . The excavations show that the art of casting bronze was well known, but had not yet been abandoned stone utensils. And that bronze objects were not imported from abroad, show some casting molds (polished clay), found at the scene. The relative scarcity of metal objects found is explained by the fact that stone tools, clay, once unusable, were simply thrown away, while always retaining his bronze material value and could be merged. Naturally, both the bronze objects such as stone and clay were carved in a very primitive: a large industry or art is not for talking, having tried only to procure the means and instruments to satisfy the most critical needs of life, and not being able, therefore, consider exports of any kind.

This was the level of culture in which they found those who had to emigrate Italic Po Valley, following the Etruscan invasion, and finally settled in Latium. Here the clay industry and bronze did not progress or extension or perfection, and agriculture is seen rather a regression. The wheat is replaced by the spelled, less profit. It is possible that during the long pilgrimage art, more difficult, wheat-crop has been lost or that the nature of the countryside America was less favorable than the Po Valley for the cultivation of that cereal: the fact is that it was several centuries until wheat could move spelled in Roman agriculture. The truth is that older Latinos are presented as the very people who inhabited the Po Valley, the Italians: as these, are fed by agricultural products and livestock, while commerce and industry still lack any importance .

The social conditions of peasants in this village were the same that are found in almost all the peoples of primitive culture. The land, as was used for cultivation and grazing, had not yet passed into private ownership, seeking instead, members of the tribes start to land, by working together, the products necessary for life. Reminiscent of such conditions is preserved in the old tradition, in which Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, each citizen was assigned to the private possession of half a hectare of land. Also in historical times, for example in the founding of colonies, the property assigned to their components often cared for each acre: a lot of that extension is commonly called "heredium" (the part of the inheritance), and was in up over time as the unit of measurement adopted.

Naturally, it was not in that "heredium", fields for growing grain. With an acre of land-in which the land may be included to the room, implements and farm animals, can not live any man, even our means of providing intensive culture, much less with the agricultural technical poorly developed, then. In the half hectare rather you understand the dwelling and the garden, which saw private property, while the cultivated fields and grazing remained the common property of the tribe. The home and garden formed, the first condition for development of the family who was diverging from whole tribe, yet that separation, tillage and grazing land could still be made jointly by a larger number of families.

This economic activity together provides little basis for social differentiation, whose first seeds have emerged, in any case, distribution or division of cattle, which in early times was also owned by the tribe or group of families. Livestock is the first article of trade within the tribe, and it comes in later times the word "pecus" (cattle) gave rise to the words "pecuniary" (money) and "peculium" (private property of members family and servants). But even though by different circumstances stocks gained among members of the tribe could vary quite significantly, it could cause serious social crisis within the community. In the common area was always a sufficient guarantee against the lack of food, even for the less fortunate cattle breeder.

The italics were not, however, the only inhabitants of the region. At the inauguration of a country is always important question arises: What should be done with the previous owners Behind? They have to leave their land and look elsewhere for new fields and pastures, or stay in the country of the victor. This, in turn, can, at will, their throats cut, near servitude or tolerate it up to some consideration. The Italians, to take possession of Latium, seem to have chosen the latter course. In fact, beside citizens enjoying full rights, are in the earliest times to a class of men, well treated, but without any right, in which there is no doubt that recognize the remains of the population preitálica. Significantly, they were called "the obedient" ( "customers"). Although not enjoy civil rights and, above all, participation in collective ownership, however participating in the common arable land, being compensated for his work with the supply of food needed. This regulation of relations between the two peoples shows, unquestionably, a peaceful mind and practice, farmers own, found here, with clear insight, the most profitable way out of difficulties.

Do not forget that the Romans needed a very long time to become belligerent and conquering the people we all know. For nearly a thousand years have wrought their lands peacefully and modestly, before starting with the unification of Lazio, under his leadership, his world politics. Some ancient and modern historiography has tried often to remove that check, bartering, with dazzling exaggerations, the inevitable border fighting in major battles accompanied by unprecedented feats. The old peasant population was deeply peaceful. Citizens and subjects divided among themselves, naturally in different proportions, the products work together, living together in harmony for all time that these relations could be maintained in its first simplicity. This is confirmed also by the further development of the "clientele".

A change in this prosperous situation had to happen when the benefits of Roman colonization began to manifest itself in relations with neighboring communities. Rome grew, due to their better life, more intensely than the few neighboring communities disadvantaged. The number of the population was growing steadily, so that the region was no longer enough to feed everyone, especially as the flourishing state of Rome had a certain attraction on the components of other tribes, who were induced to leave his old link state . Any external development of this nature determines changes in the interior, making it impossible to extend to all members of the community the benefits of the new successes. Who spoke first and with firmer hand, takes off his teammates an advantage difficult to attain, and the old adage, which states that "he who has more, gets more and sooner, and the least has easily lost to the little that has "demonstrated its correctness and would at that time.

At this stage of the evolutionary process, the land in common ownership had to be necessarily an obstacle to further progress. The most fruitful work was stolen, by that "communism" primitive and esoteric, the free play of forces. The greater the value of the individual, the more grew the urge to break that chain. And as in all places, also in the Roman culture growth was linked, in those days, to private property, namely the division of land. But such change can not be made overnight, but gradually, in many gradations. So the first distribution of land was not for individuals but of families. This follows from the fact that the oldest country's geographical division was made to you sets of families, called "curies" as well as in later times the oldest districts of the municipality (the "tribes") were called according to established families there.

This distribution of land among families that had a common ancestry more or less distant, should lead to major economic shifts. Although in the early days of lots of land were divided equally depending on their length and quality, fading, as in other regions, the emerging periodic changes inequalities, it is true that over the years the number of members of these sets The increased intelligence and energy in one or the other must be felt also in the diversity of work output. And they are small in the beginning these differences have probably been a part of the members of the tribe in a privileged position, which, consciously exploited, became increasingly sensitive, even within the community create a gulf insurmountable between rich and poor.

For the subjugated, the clients, this development was initially not very important. If, before its existence was based on his relationship with the community, now entering a similar dependence on families. Such dependence was by its very nature, more closely than before. First, was heavier because of the greater proximity of the employers and the immediate contact with them, on the other, also had its advantages. Relations became closer, more personal, and if necessary the customer could tell from their protectors with more aid than the one offered earlier by the community.

The same phenomena, and at higher rates were due in its further development when the family economy also became untenable and had to hand over to the private economy. Here again, there were several stages of evolution. In the beginning, the work was common task of all components of the family or clan, while the product was divided between them and customers. He later distributed the land among themselves, leaving everyone what he could derive from their batch. It consisted of a sort of lease, for which the whole family was shown as compared with each member owning tenant. The lease was finally inherited, and gradually began to disappear from consciousness as the lessee. This economic change also affected by social conditions. The link which bound together the members of the tribe, was relaxing, while family ties became narrower increasingly strongly, while already at the beginning of the historical period it is noted that almost all functions previously exercised by members of the tribe, are now concentrated in the hands of a parent. The ancient power of the tribe remembers only the provision that in some circumstances, exposure of a child, marriage of a daughter, alienation of property, the "pater family (father) had to go to council a number of fellow tribesmen, and later, those advisers declined the role of mere witnesses of the act.

The family belongs henceforth also the customers who come in with his patron (patronus) in the exalted list of "mercy" (Pieter). Between the employer and the client does not support any legal remedies, nor between the man and his wife, or between parent and child. The relationship was hereditary and was increasingly losing the precarious nature that had high in the beginning. Over time, and the effect of the close coexistence of victors and vanquished, had erased all racial difference, having assimilated the customers to their employers so that was no longer any significant sign of their ancient race or race. The clientele became, over time, on a purely private, economic, between the strong and weak, and finally was not unusual for the poorest citizens of undoubted Roman descent, came in with a rich citizen in the customer relationship, and ensure existence.

While racial difference between citizens and customers had in him the seeds of greatest contrast, the change in economic relations had, on the contrary, they provoke antagonism between the Romans intended to bring the community very dangerous crisis. Differences in possession were made in the course of time increasing, still too rooted in the nature of the richer and richer the inclination to exploit their superiority in every way to obtain new advantages constant. The community and ended up transforming 'in your hands in half to reduce the tax status of less affluent citizens, making them work for them: that is, tried by all means available to convert their superiority occasional but real in durable and legitimate.

This aspiration of the largest landowners to political power is clearly reflected in the state constitution. The monarchy had in ancient Rome as with which it had developed, in tedas parties, from within the original republic, ie the form of patriarchal monarchy. Appointing more senior or someone else that is hoped to find a just judge, a brave general and a pious priest, without the need for the tiny size of the territory, a heavy machinery of government, nor of a large body of officials. The king and the Commune, ie all free citizens, have been for any length of time the first and unique powers, and this offered the guarantee of a democratic, open to all justified claims. The situation, however, should change with the increase of the state. The king could not alone now exercise its duties and functions on the other hand, if for every decision he wanted to bring the whole community, working in the fields would have suffered much, given the large number of assemblies that would required the multiplicity of issues. It was, therefore, must alleviate the king, adding auxiliary forces, and set next to the popular assembly, which was reserved the most important issues, a kind of committee or council for the transaction of routine business.

In this institutional innovation is the root of. further social differences. The king, despite its unique position, its privileges and compensation (Civil List), could no longer have significant influence on the division of property between members of the community. From now on, the decision on the most common issues was held by a minority, not quantitatively insignificant, which, of course, used all his power to his advantage. It is irrelevant to know what was in early times the legal relationship - between those state powers, ie, whether the king was appointed, as in the last days of the monarchy, by the Council of elders, Senate, and yes Members of this Council, as officials were making of the king or a body elected by the people of this little is known. We check only the inevitable outcome of such institutions also in Rome: the division of people into two very distinct classes.

Thus arose the city of the Tiber in the antithesis between rulers and ruled that had developed on the same basis in the most diverse and in many different eras: the division between nobility and people, or, as in Rome was used to call these classes between patricians and plebeians. "Patricia" is called the noble families, the community elders (patres), while the word "commoners" derived from "plebs" the crowd. So we represent, in broad outline, the development of social relations in Rome, before the crowd, injured in their interests and rights, were to realize its subordination to an aristocratic caste numerically much weaker.

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